For the first time a national body of HE export control practitioners will exist.
This will enable an informed, consistent and best practice approach to training and compliance across the whole sector. Although each institution will need take and rely on its own advice, HEECA will provide an expert forum and leverage the collective expertise in HE.
HEECA will also work with the recently launched Universities UK Export Control Group (ECG), which provides a forum for direct discussion between HE practitioners and academics and regulators, funders and CPNI. HEECA will inform and influence the agenda for ECG discussions.
Our success relies on the active participation across the sector. If you have an administrative, legal, compliance or similar role at any higher education institution in the UK, you can join our vitally important network.
To find your local HEECA representative please contact us.
At this time, memberships for academic or research staff are not possible, however, researchers from key subject areas will be invited to participate in our work.