Frequently asked questions

    Changing your password

    Go to the training page and click on the reset your password button at the bottom of the page. If you are registered on the service a temporary password will be emailed to you.

    Login using this password and follow the instructions to set a new password for the service. 


    How long do I have to complete the training?

    Each Higher Education institution will allocate a duration for completion of the training, please check with your Institutional Lead to see how long they have allocated for completion. Institutional Leads can send reminders to delegates who need to complete the training.


    How often will I be required to complete the training?

    Your institution will determine how frequently they require you to complete the training, we recommend an annual cycle to keep up awareness of the requirements.


    I have an issue with accessing the training, who do I contact?

    Your institutional lead(s) are responsible for initial support. If required, they can escalate to internal IT support for device issues or onto HEECA support for portal or content issues.


    Why do I need to take this course?

    It is important for your role to have an awareness of strategic export controls, why they are necessary and the consequences of non-compliance.


    How long will the course take to complete?

    For those unfamiliar with the topic, we estimate between and an hour to an hour and a half.


    I would like to take the training, how do I get access to it?

    If you work or study at an enrolled higher education institution you can request an account from your organisation.


Further FAQs will be added to this section.

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This website is run by HEECA, a national network for UK Export Control practitioners across the UK Higher Education sector. Our resources provide general information only for practitioners and legal advisors in UK universities to consider when developing their approach to compliance © 2025

This platform is managed and operated on behalf of HEECA by the TEBS function at Cranfield University © 2025